Rotary In Turkey

The first Rotary Club in our country was established in Ankara in 1954.


Between the years 1950 and 1952, journalists Falih Rıfkı Atay, Ahmet Emin Yalman and Prof. Şükrü Esmer made attempts that didn’t succeed.


A second attempt was initiated by Oğuzhan Koraltan in 1952, with which the Ankara Rotary Club was founded on March 24, 1954 with Nail Avunduk and Assoc. Prof. Mukbil Özyörük as founding members.   The first Club President was Şahap Birgi.


The Rotary Club of Ankara, which received its charter on March 23, 1955 is officially the first Rotary Club of Turkey in Rotary International's records.


Today, there are 230 Rotary Clubs in our country in districts 2420, 2430 and 2440.


Thus, half a century after the foundation of the first Rotary in Chicago in 1905, Rotary started activities in Turkey. There 5996 Rotarians in our country today.